【報告】Global Leadership Training Program: Module.5【学習PF/Leadership】


Module.5:6/20 Sat

Hello guys,
The GLTP (Global Leadership Training Program) is a program to learn about leadership with friends from around the world.
In this post, we will introduce the participants’ impressions of the 5th class.GLTP has three classes left.Time flies… :_(

GLTP Report (Week 5th)

・Self introduction and why I join it
・Icebreak session(Tomato song, the technique for first sight dialogue)
・Main theme (emotional intellegence for team buliding)
-Session 1 vulnerability (The thing we can get from sharing our secrets)
-Session 2 empathy (How we judge people when we need to trust someone else)
・Task for next week (Shore Movie making with teammates to inspire others)
・My impression today

①Writer’s imformation

Hello Tobitate communities! I`m Haruki Ume, from Japan.
This is my turn to share what we are doing in the program and how interesting it is!

Firstly, let me introduce myself briefly. I am a 5th TOBITATE scholarship recipient, who did an internship in Malaysia. Surprisingly, that’s 4 years before already.
And now, I`m in the second year to work as a developing consultant. Still on the way to realize a big goal in my life, but everything is all right now because I could be on the plan which I made in Tobitate program!
Why I try to participate this program? Because I wanted to make differences (I mean to get some new challenges) during this pandemic situation. I`m not often to join Tobitate related program, but when I need, there are no reasons not to come back here and get the chance to grow up.

The following is a short report on GLTP Module 5, held on 20th June 2020. I hope it gives you a motivation for your challenges.

②Icebreak time

When you need to talk with someone who doesn’t know well, what kind of topics will you choose? In the case of study abroad, or in the business, everyone understands its importance but most of us didn’t know in the academic sources.

Today, facilitator Zenn gave us the topic below and we talked with partners.
・About your Family
・About your Home town
・About your biggest accomplishment in your life

These questions are not so special, but all of us can talk in our own words and get to know our backgrounds well. According to recent study, these kind of questions are useful to reduce our wariness and nervous to others. Through back to my experience in abroad, these questions are comfortable to answer and it helps to get closer. Good knowledges we could get today!

③ Main theme

Since last two weeks, we are learning about emotional intelligence to get team building skills. In this week, we had two main themes, “Vulnerability” and “Empathy”.


Vulnerability means our personal secrets which we don’t want to share with others. After we watched introduction video “Brene Brown Braving”, we made 3 participants group and shared our secrets. It is a challenge for us to talk about vulnerability even in the session, but we could trust other members because it’s same member who had icebreak session at first. (It is important point)

From the session, I got two findings. First, sharing vulnerability makes our relations deeper. When we had a Tobitate preparing camp, we also did same kind of things before we check our members` plan in abroad. And it helped me to accept others` opinions well. So when we manage the team, the leader should not have a high pride and sometimes need to share own vulnerability. It helps team members to feel me closer and encourage them to share their trouble. It’s not easy but good leader already has this skill.

Second, sharing vulnerability makes some creations. Surprisingly, our group had one same secrets. We thought it is strange compared with others, but now all of us had it. From this experience, I felt it will be a big creation chance because small complex which we have is not so small. (I mean not only you, more people have same complex) Zenn also follow our comments that vulnerability is the treasure box to get new ideas and services.


We made another small groups to do some games about empathy. Zenn gave us some complicated quiz for the team, but also he chose two of members as a joker who will avoid our teamwork. Normal members need to use “empathy” carefully to find jokers. Jokers trid to use empathy skill to blend right in with normal members.

From this activity, I realized how I judge the others who can trust or not. And I found everyone had a different sight of judging such as face, words, stands, and atmosphere. So to get others` trust (especially in online session), it is important to share our personality with other members very well. I try to make more exchange plans in my communities and make our communications more comfortably.

④ Task for next week

We are separated in small groups and now making movies which inspire others. It is a good opportunities to use our teamwork skill which we learned in this session. And also a good experience to make projects with interesting participant members! Our team will set the target for high school students and share our life experiences when we chose our major. I hope it will reach our targets and give some findings for their lives.

⑤ My impression today

At first, thank you to give me an opportunity to write this report. Does Akari know I love writing?? Anyways, I love GLTP because I can get knowledges which I can use in the real life since tomorrow. And also like to communicate with new friends from Japan and all over the world. It was also happy to find friends who already met in the Tobitate program and Ship for World Youth program.

To use the skills what I learn today, I want to lead and manage communities and “make a difference” for the team. Again, I`m happy to be here!

Very profound. Thank you, Haruki-san, for writing such a wonderful report!

Reports from each class will be uploaded to the Tomarigi website every week.
*Module.1 Report
*Module.2 Report
*Module.3 Report
*Module.4 Report

About ”GLTP”

Global leadership training program (GLTP) aims to create and enhance a community of highly effective young leaders to empower and drive positive change in the world. GLTP will provide youth leaders first-hand experiences of global leadership, acquiring research-based leadership knowledge and theories, and the application of leadership skills in the real-world. The GLTP helps you prepare become the global leader of our tomorrow.

■Objects of each class
Module.1:The Meaning of Leadership
Module.2:Get to Know Yourself
Module.3:Get “The Right Stuff"
Module.4:Create Winning Ideas
Module.5:Get the Power to Rouse
Module.6:Getting Things Done
Module.7:Develop Your People
Module.8:Get the Extra Edge


The Tobitate Learning Platform will continue to implement plans as they become available.
We’ll be posting the latest information on our Facebook page, so please sign up!
Tobitate Learning Platform Page
What is the Tobitate Learning Platform (PF)…
This program aims to promote the continued growth of Tobitate students after their study abroad experience, create contacts and collaborations with companies that support them, and revitalize the Tobitate student community at the same time.

See you next time!
( Edited by Akari Inada )


Posted by tomarigi_kanto