【報告】Global Leadership Training Program: Module.4【学習PF/Leadership】


Module.4:6/13 Sat

Hello everyone,
The GLTP (Global Leadership Training Program) is a program to learn about leadership with friends from around the world.
In this post, we will introduce the participants’ impressions of the 4th class.We are halfway there finally!

Hi everyone! I am Minamo Akiyama, or Mimi, from Japan.

Firstly, let me introduce myself briefly. I am a 7th TOBITATE scholarship recipient, who studied in Denmark and did an internship in Malta. This spring, I finally graduated from university with a BA in Aesthetics and Art Theory and a museum professional certification. Following my passions for art, culture, museums, and heritage, I will begin my master’s education in Denmark this summer. Currently, I was supposed to be enjoying my “half gap year,” traveling around the world. Unfortunately Covid-19 changed my dream plan drastically. However, the Global Leadership Training Program (GLTP) has been a wonderful opportunity for me. It has allowed me to stay connected to the world, meet a lot of motivated/inspiring friends, and get prepared for my master’s and my future. THANK YOU VERY MUCH!

The following is a short report on GLTP Module 4, held on 13th June 2020. I cannot believe that we have already gone through the first half of this program –– time flies too quickly!

★Inspire your team: which kind of power should I use as a transformational leader?

Our beloved facilitator Zenn began by providing us with a deeper understanding on the different type of powers. According to his explanation, relational power is one of the most important ones to become a transformational leader. Actually, the concept of relational power was new to me. I thought a leader with power should be strong, energetic, charismatic, and/or strict, sometime giving punishments or rewards to motivate others. However, relational power is none of these. Rather, it must be based on trusting relationship and sympathy toward others. I understood that relational power is likely to inspire people effectively.

★Come up with a unanimous decision: how do I balance myself as a transformational leader?

Through the last activity in this module, I realized that it is not easy to be equipped with relational power. Divided into small groups with 5-6 participants, each group needed to come up with a unanimous decision: either life sentence or death sentence on an 18-year-old defendant who killed many people. After 10-15 minutes of discussion, about half of the groups made unanimous decisions, but it was not possible to find a consensus for other groups. In my group, we could not reach an agreement. I supported a death sentence, which was the minority in our team. When I had a different opinion from the majority, I struggled to balance myself. After the tough/heated discussion, we were given some advice to balance ourselves as transformational leaders: take some time, ask other’s advice, and learn “emotional intelligence”…phew, it is not easy, but I believe it is matter of practice and experience. I am looking forward to further leadership training in the second half of GLTP!


Thankyou,Minamo-san. Thanks for the great report.

Reports from each class will be uploaded to the Tomarigi website every week.
*Module.1 Report →  https://tobitate-net.com/2020/05/28/post-8589/
*Module.2 Report → https://tobitate-net.com/2020/06/04/post-8636/
*Module.3 Report → https://tobitate-net.com/2020/06/12/post-8803/

About ”GLTP”

Global leadership training program (GLTP) aims to create and enhance a community of highly effective young leaders to empower and drive positive change in the world. GLTP will provide youth leaders first-hand experiences of global leadership, acquiring research-based leadership knowledge and theories, and the application of leadership skills in the real-world. The GLTP helps you prepare become the global leader of our tomorrow.

Objects of each class

Module.1:The Meaning of Leadership
Module.2:Get to Know Yourself
Module.3:Get “The Right Stuff"
Module.4:Create Winning Ideas
Module.5:Get the Power to Rouse
Module.6:Getting Things Done
Module.7:Develop Your People
Module.8:Get the Extra Edge


The Tobitate Learning Platform will continue to implement plans as they become available.
We’ll be posting the latest information on our Facebook page, so please sign up!
Tobitate Learning Platform Page
What is the Tobitate Learning Platform (PF)…
This program aims to promote the continued growth of Tobitate students after their study abroad experience, create contacts and collaborations with companies that support them, and revitalize the Tobitate student community at the same time.

See you next time!
( Edited by Akari Inada )


Posted by tomarigi_kanto