【報告】GLTP Module.7 ”Purpose-driven leadership”【学習PF/Leadership】
Module.7:7/4 Sat
Hello guys,
The GLTP (Global Leadership Training Program) is a program aiming to learn about leadership with friends from around the world. In this post, we will introduce the participants’ impressions of the 7th class.
Next class is the last one! It’s early days.
Maybe we’ll open a second term of GLTP;-) If you are a Tobitate student who is interested in reading this report, please apply for it !
Hello, this is Miyu Hara. This time I will share my GLTP experience with you! Before getting into that, let me briefly introduce myself. Last year, I studied abroad at Griffith University in Australia and had an internship in Singapore as a former 9th Tobitate scholarship recipient. At my home university in Japan, I belong to Tourism Management seminar and study how to manage a destination to develop sustainable tourism industry.
So what made me decide to participate in GLTP? It is because I wanted to understand the concept of leadership and find what leadership style is suitable for me. During my abroad experience, I met many people who performed their leadership but in many different ways. Some people take a command or control of a team and make decision-making by themselves, while others prefer to listen to members’ opinions before making any decisions. I assume that there is no right or wrong style because each has both strengths and weaknesses. What’s important, I think, is to understand various leadership styles and apply the most appropriate one to yourself considering internal and external factors.
It is unbelievable that GLTP is coming to an end real soon but in module 7, we learned the concept of purpose-driven leadership. Followed by the last session, we welcomed Mr. Yoshino, CEO of Dari.k, as a special guest. He shared the background of his business including his vision and purpose. We also had some activities of writing comments to those who we would like to appreciate and seek forgiveness respectively and actually making a call to them. In addition to that, we watched very inspiring videos of Simon Sinek, Oprah Winfrey, and Jeremy Cowart. All of these activities remained me of the phrase “Leadership is not all about you. Leadership is all about you.” which was introduced at the very beginning of GLTP. The purpose of leadership is all about who you are and people. “What if you die today?” “What is the purpose of your existence?” “What legacy do you want to leave?” You can help or lead other people only after you truly understand your own purpose, vision, and ultimately yourself. GLTP stands for Global Leadership Training Program aiming to develop the leadership skill, however, I feel that it provides much more than that. GLTP, especially this module 7, gave me an opportunity to look back on my own life and face myself at a deeper level, and I cannot thank enough for facilitators, participants, and many other people who made it happen!
So nice report! Thanks,Miyu-san.
Videos of the day’s classes are posted in the “Tobitate Learning Platform"group.
*Only Tobitate students can view.
And,reports from each class will be uploaded to the Tomarigi website every week.
*Module.1 Report
*Module.2 Report
*Module.3 Report
*Module.4 Report
*Module.5 Report
*Module.6 Report
About ”GLTP”
Global leadership training program (GLTP) aims to create and enhance a community of highly effective young leaders to empower and drive positive change in the world. GLTP will provide youth leaders first-hand experiences of global leadership, acquiring research-based leadership knowledge and theories, and the application of leadership skills in the real-world. The GLTP helps you prepare become the global leader of our tomorrow.
Objects of each class
Module.1:The Meaning of Leadership
Module.2:Get to Know Yourself
Module.3:Get “The Right Stuff"
Module.4:Create Winning Ideas
Module.5:Get the Power to Rouse
Module.6:Getting Things Done
Module.7:Develop Your People
Module.8:Get the Extra Edge
The Tobitate Learning Platform will continue to implement plans as they become available.
We’ll be posting the latest information on our Facebook page, so please sign up!
Tobitate Learning Platform Page
What is the Tobitate Learning Platform (PF)…
This program aims to promote the continued growth of Tobitate students after their study abroad experience, create contacts and collaborations with companies that support them, and revitalize the Tobitate student community at the same time.
See you next time!
( Edited by Akari Inada )